Nuzlocke Tracker | Pokémon Sword Nuzlocke Guide (2025)

Sword Encounters

A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Sword so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!

Pokémon Sword has 72 different encounter locations with 366 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

16 Fire Pokémon encounters

  • Vulpix - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Route 3, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Ninetales - Lake of Outrage
  • Growlithe - Dusty Bowl and Hammerlocke Hills
  • Magby - Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Magmar - Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Torkoal - Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Route 6, Warm-Up Tunnel and Potbottom Desert
  • Litwick - Motostoke Riverbank and Bridge Field
  • Lampent - Lake of Outrage and Old Cemetery
  • Heatmor - Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage, Route 6, Old Cemetery and Three-Point Pass
  • Fletchinder - Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Salandit - Stony Wilderness and Challenge Road
  • Turtonator - Lake of Outrage
  • Scorbunny - Starter
  • Carkol - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Ballimere Lake and Lakeside Cave
  • Coalossal - Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Sizzlipede - Route 3

20 Dragon Pokémon encounters

  • Dratini - Ballimere Lake
  • Flygon - Lake of Outrage
  • Bagon - Tunnel to the Top
  • Axew - Hammerlocke Hills, Route 6 and Axew's Eye
  • Haxorus - Lake of Outrage
  • Druddigon - Snowslide Slope, Path to the Peak and Three-Point Pass
  • Deino - Lake of Outrage and Roaring-Sea Caves
  • Zweilous - Lake of Outrage
  • Tyrunt - Ballimere Lake
  • Noibat - Watchtower Ruins, Galar Mine No.2 and Bridge Field
  • Noivern - Lake of Outrage, Ballimere Lake and Lakeside Cave
  • Turtonator - Lake of Outrage
  • Jangmo-o - undefined
  • Hakamo-o - undefined
  • Applin - Route 5, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea and Insular Sea
  • Flapple - Stepping-Stone Sea
  • Duraludon - Lake of Outrage and Route 10
  • Dreepy - Lake of Outrage
  • Drakloak - Lake of Outrage and Old Cemetery
  • Regidrago - Split-Decision Ruins

21 Fighting Pokémon encounters

  • Machop - Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Route 3, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Machoke - Giant's Seat, Stony Wilderness, Hammerlocke Hills, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Farfetch’d - Route 5 and Giant's Mirror
  • Tyrogue - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Route 3, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Hitmonlee - Dusty Bowl
  • Hitmontop - Lake of Outrage
  • Riolu - Giant's Cap and Roaring-Sea Caves
  • Timburr - Galar Mine
  • Gurdurr - Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl and Route 8
  • Sawk - Motostoke Outskirts, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror and Route 8
  • Scraggy - Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Outskirts, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Challenge Road and Potbottom Desert
  • Mienfoo - Challenge Road
  • Pancham - Rolling Fields, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell and Route 3
  • Pangoro - Lake of Outrage
  • Hawlucha - Hammerlocke Hills and Route 6
  • Stufful - Dappled Grove, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Route 5, Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Bewear - Giant's Seat, Lake of Outrage, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Passimian - Glimwood Tangle and Forest of Focus
  • Hakamo-o - undefined
  • Clobbopus - Route 9, Courageous Cavern and Loop Lagoon
  • Falinks - Lake of Outrage and Route 8

23 Electric Pokémon encounters

  • Pikachu - Route 4, Stony Wilderness and Forest of Focus
  • Magnemite - Challenge Beach
  • Elekid - Old Cemetery, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Electabuzz - Old Cemetery, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Chinchou - West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, Hulbury, Giant's Mirror, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Lanturn - Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Electrike - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Route 4, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Manectric - Giant's Seat, Giant's Cap, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Shinx - Challenge Beach, Challenge Road, Training Lowlands and Potbottom Desert
  • Rotom - Lake of Outrage
  • Emolga - Forest of Focus
  • Joltik - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Route 4, Giant's Mirror and Giant's Cap
  • Galvantula - Lake of Outrage, Route 7, Old Cemetery, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Helioptile - Giant's Mirror and Route 6
  • Dedenne - Challenge Beach
  • Charjabug - Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills and Axew's Eye
  • Togedemaru - Lake of Outrage and Route 8
  • Yamper - Route 2, Route 4, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror and Ballimere Lake
  • Boltund - Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Ballimere Lake
  • Toxel - Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills and Route 7
  • Pincurchin - Route 9, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon and Frigrid Sea
  • Morpeko - Lake of Outrage, Route 7, Route 9, Challenge Beach and Ballimere Lake
  • Regieleki - Split-Decision Ruins

25 Ghost Pokémon encounters

  • Gastly - Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Haunter - Giant's Seat, Route 8, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Duskull - Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Route 6, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Dusclops - Route 8
  • Drifloon - Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Route 5, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Drifblim - Axew's Eye
  • Rotom - Lake of Outrage
  • Yamask - Route 6
  • Frillish - West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch, Bridge Field and Stepping-Stone Sea
  • Jellicent - Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Litwick - Motostoke Riverbank and Bridge Field
  • Lampent - Lake of Outrage and Old Cemetery
  • Golett - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Route 8, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Golurk - Lake of Outrage and Three-Point Pass
  • Honedge - Hammerlocke Hills
  • Doublade - Lake of Outrage
  • Phantump - Glimwood Tangle, Slippery Slope, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope and Three-Point Pass
  • Pumpkaboo - Route 4, Giant's Mirror and Hammerlocke Hills
  • Sandygast - Loop Lagoon
  • Mimikyu - undefined
  • Dhelmise - Route 9, Challenge Beach and Frigrid Sea
  • Sinistea - Glimwood Tangle and Old Cemetery
  • Dreepy - Lake of Outrage
  • Drakloak - Lake of Outrage and Old Cemetery
  • Spectrier - Crown Shrine

26 Poison Pokémon encounters

  • Nidoran♀ - undefined
  • Nidoran♂ - undefined
  • Zubat - Tunnel to the Top, Roaring-Sea Caves and Lakeside Cave
  • Oddish - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins and East Lake Axewell
  • Gloom - North Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap and Axew's Eye
  • Tentacool - Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Tentacruel - Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Gastly - Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Haunter - Giant's Seat, Route 8, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Koffing - Motostoke Outskirts, Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror and Dusty Bowl
  • Weezing - Slumbering Weald and Lake of Outrage
  • Qwilfish - Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Route 9
  • Budew - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, Route 4 and Giant's Mirror
  • Roselia - South Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl and Axew's Eye
  • Stunky - Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Route 3 and Giant's Cap
  • Skuntank - Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Skorupi - Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror, Route 6 and Soothing Wetlands
  • Drapion - Lake of Outrage and Route 8
  • Venipede - Forest of Focus
  • Trubbish - Route 3
  • Garbodor - Lake of Outrage
  • Foongus - Forest of Focus
  • Mareanie - Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror, Route 9 and Loop Lagoon
  • Toxapex - Route 9
  • Salandit - Stony Wilderness and Challenge Road
  • Toxel - Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills and Route 7

26 Fairy Pokémon encounters

  • Clefairy - Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Cap, Snowslide Slope and Tunnel to the Top
  • Jigglypuff - Fields of Honor and Challenge Beach
  • Weezing - Slumbering Weald and Lake of Outrage
  • Mime Jr. - undefined
  • Togepi - Bridge Field
  • Togetic - Stony Wilderness
  • Togekiss - Dusty Bowl
  • Azurill - Brawlers' Cave
  • Ralts - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch and Fields of Honor
  • Gardevoir - Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Mawile - Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl and Lakeside Cave
  • Cottonee - Stony Wilderness and Ballimere Lake
  • Swirlix - Route 5, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror and Glimwood Tangle
  • Dedenne - Challenge Beach
  • Carbink - Tunnel to the Top, Roaring-Sea Caves and Lakeside Cave
  • Klefki - Fields of Honor
  • Cutiefly - Route 4, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field and Giant's Mirror
  • Ribombee - Stony Wilderness
  • Morelull - Giant's Mirror and Hammerlocke Hills
  • Shiinotic - Glimwood Tangle
  • Mimikyu - undefined
  • Hatterene - Lake of Outrage
  • Impidimp - Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills and Slippery Slope
  • Morgrem - Glimwood Tangle and Snowslide Slope
  • Grimmsnarl - Lake of Outrage
  • Milcery - Route 4, Bridge Field and Giant's Mirror

28 Steel Pokémon encounters

  • Meowth - Route 4
  • Magnemite - Challenge Beach
  • Skarmory - Challenge Road
  • Mawile - Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl and Lakeside Cave
  • Aron - Lakeside Cave
  • Beldum - Snowslide Slope
  • Registeel - Iron Ruins
  • Bronzor - South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Bridge Field, Giant's Bed, Giant's Foot and Three-Point Pass
  • Bronzong - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Route 8, Axew's Eye and Three-Point Pass
  • Excadrill - Giant's Mirror and Lake of Outrage
  • Ferroseed - Route 4, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness and Lakeside Cave
  • Ferrothorn - Dusty Bowl
  • Klink - Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Route 3, Hammerlocke Hills and Axew's Eye
  • Klang - Dusty Bowl and Route 10
  • Klinklang - Lake of Outrage
  • Stunfisk - Slumbering Weald, Galar Mine No.2, Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Pawniard - Motostoke Outskirts, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Route 8, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Road and Potbottom Desert
  • Bisharp - Lake of Outrage
  • Durant - Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage, Route 6, Old Cemetery and Three-Point Pass
  • Honedge - Hammerlocke Hills
  • Doublade - Lake of Outrage
  • Klefki - Fields of Honor
  • Togedemaru - Lake of Outrage and Route 8
  • Corviknight - Slumbering Weald, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Route 7
  • Perrserker - Lake of Outrage, Route 7 and Route 9
  • Cufant - Bridge Field
  • Copperajah - Lake of Outrage
  • Duraludon - Lake of Outrage and Route 10

28 Ice Pokémon encounters

  • Cloyster - Giant's Seat, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Mr. Mime - undefined
  • Smoochum - Slippery Slope and Frostpoint Field
  • Jynx - Slippery Slope and Frostpoint Field
  • Lapras - Route 9 and Frigrid Sea
  • Sneasel - Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 8, Route 10, Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Snowslide Slope and Frigrid Sea
  • Swinub - Rolling Fields, Giant's Seat, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Slippery Slope, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Piloswine - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Slippery Slope and Roaring-Sea Caves
  • Delibird - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 8, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope and Giant's Foot
  • Snorunt - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 8, Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope, Tunnel to the Top and Giant's Foot
  • Glalie - Lake of Outrage and Route 10
  • Spheal - Frigrid Sea
  • Regice - Iceberg Ruins
  • Snover - Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Route 8, Route 10, Axew's Eye, Frostpoint Field, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Abomasnow - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Route 10 and Frostpoint Field
  • Darumaka - Route 8, Route 10 and Snowslide Slope
  • Vanillite - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Frostpoint Field, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Vanillish - Dusty Bowl, Route 8, Route 10, Axew's Eye, Frostpoint Field, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope, Roaring-Sea Caves, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Vanilluxe - Lake of Outrage and Route 10
  • Cubchoo - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills and Route 10
  • Beartic - Route 10, Snowslide Slope and Frigrid Sea
  • Cryogonal - Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Amaura - Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field and Snowslide Slope
  • Bergmite - Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Frigrid Sea and Three-Point Pass
  • Avalugg - Frigrid Sea and Three-Point Pass
  • Snom - Lake of Outrage, Route 8, Route 10, Slippery Slope, Snowslide Slope and Path to the Peak
  • Frosmoth - Path to the Peak
  • Glastrier - Crown Shrine

28 Rock Pokémon encounters

  • Onix - East Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Rhyhorn - Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Route 8 and Potbottom Desert
  • Rhydon - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Route 10
  • Omanyte - Roaring-Sea Caves
  • Bonsly - Bridge Field and Stony Wilderness
  • Sudowoodo - Motostoke Outskirts, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl and Hammerlocke Hills
  • Shuckle - Watchtower Ruins, Galar Mine No.2, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap and Ballimere Lake
  • Aron - Lakeside Cave
  • Solrock - Giant's Cap and Route 8
  • Anorith - Ballimere Lake
  • Relicanth - Ballimere Lake
  • Regirock - Rock Peak Ruins
  • Roggenrola - Rolling Fields, Galar Mine, Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness and Challenge Road
  • Boldore - Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage and Route 8
  • Dwebble - Rolling Fields, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, Hammerlocke Hills, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Crustle - Axew's Eye
  • Tirtouga - Frigrid Sea
  • Binacle - Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Riverbank and Bridge Field
  • Barbaracle - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Route 9
  • Tyrunt - Ballimere Lake
  • Amaura - Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field and Snowslide Slope
  • Carbink - Tunnel to the Top, Roaring-Sea Caves and Lakeside Cave
  • Rockruff - Challenge Road
  • Drednaw - Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage and Route 6
  • Rolycoly - Route 3, Galar Mine, Motostoke Riverbank and Giant's Cap
  • Carkol - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Ballimere Lake and Lakeside Cave
  • Coalossal - Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Stonjourner - Lake of Outrage and Route 10

29 Dark Pokémon encounters

  • Sneasel - Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 8, Route 10, Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Snowslide Slope and Frigrid Sea
  • Zigzagoon - Route 2, Route 3, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness and Giant's Cap
  • Linoone - Giant's Cap and Ballimere Lake
  • Nuzleaf - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Route 5, Giant's Cap, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Carvanha - Training Lowlands
  • Sharpedo - Training Lowlands and Honeycalm Sea
  • Crawdaunt - Giant's Seat, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Absol - Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope, Path to the Peak, Frigrid Sea and Three-Point Pass
  • Stunky - Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Route 3 and Giant's Cap
  • Skuntank - Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Drapion - Lake of Outrage and Route 8
  • Purrloin - Route 2, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch and Motostoke Riverbank
  • Liepard - Giant's Seat, Bridge Field, Giant's Cap, Route 7, Route 9, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Sandile - Potbottom Desert
  • Scraggy - Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Outskirts, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Challenge Road and Potbottom Desert
  • Zorua - Forest of Focus
  • Pawniard - Motostoke Outskirts, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Route 8, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Road and Potbottom Desert
  • Bisharp - Lake of Outrage
  • Deino - Lake of Outrage and Roaring-Sea Caves
  • Zweilous - Lake of Outrage
  • Pangoro - Lake of Outrage
  • Inkay - Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 7, Route 9, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon and Training Lowlands
  • Nickit - Route 1, Route 2, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror and Dusty Bowl
  • Thievul - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 7 and Route 9
  • Impidimp - Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills and Slippery Slope
  • Morgrem - Glimwood Tangle and Snowslide Slope
  • Grimmsnarl - Lake of Outrage
  • Obstagoon - Lake of Outrage
  • Morpeko - Lake of Outrage, Route 7, Route 9, Challenge Beach and Ballimere Lake

31 Grass Pokémon encounters

  • Oddish - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins and East Lake Axewell
  • Gloom - North Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap and Axew's Eye
  • Exeggcute - Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea and Insular Sea
  • Tangela - Forest of Focus
  • Seedot - Route 2, Dappled Grove and West Lake Axewell
  • Nuzleaf - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Route 5, Giant's Cap, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Budew - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, Route 4 and Giant's Mirror
  • Roselia - South Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl and Axew's Eye
  • Cherubi - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Route 3, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Snover - Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Route 8, Route 10, Axew's Eye, Frostpoint Field, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Abomasnow - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Route 10 and Frostpoint Field
  • Cottonee - Stony Wilderness and Ballimere Lake
  • Petilil - Honeycalm Island
  • Maractus - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Hammerlocke Hills and Route 6
  • Foongus - Forest of Focus
  • Ferroseed - Route 4, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness and Lakeside Cave
  • Ferrothorn - Dusty Bowl
  • Phantump - Glimwood Tangle, Slippery Slope, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope and Three-Point Pass
  • Pumpkaboo - Route 4, Giant's Mirror and Hammerlocke Hills
  • Fomantis - Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach and Training Lowlands
  • Morelull - Giant's Mirror and Hammerlocke Hills
  • Shiinotic - Glimwood Tangle
  • Bounsweet - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell and Stony Wilderness
  • Steenee - Axew's Eye
  • Dhelmise - Route 9, Challenge Beach and Frigrid Sea
  • Grookey - Starter
  • Gossifleur - Route 2, Route 3, Motostoke Riverbank and Ballimere Lake
  • Eldegoss - Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl and Giant's Cap
  • Applin - Route 5, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea and Insular Sea
  • Flapple - Stepping-Stone Sea
  • Calyrex - Crown Shrine

33 Bug Pokémon encounters

  • Caterpie - Route 1
  • Metapod - Rolling Fields
  • Butterfree - Slumbering Weald, Rolling Fields, East Lake Axewell and Giant's Mirror
  • Scyther - Training Lowlands
  • Pinsir - Training Lowlands
  • Shuckle - Watchtower Ruins, Galar Mine No.2, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap and Ballimere Lake
  • Nincada - West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch and Route 5
  • Ninjask - Stony Wilderness
  • Anorith - Ballimere Lake
  • Combee - Rolling Fields and Honeycalm Island
  • Skorupi - Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror, Route 6 and Soothing Wetlands
  • Venipede - Forest of Focus
  • Dwebble - Rolling Fields, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, Hammerlocke Hills, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Crustle - Axew's Eye
  • Karrablast - Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 7, Forest of Focus and Old Cemetery
  • Joltik - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Route 4, Giant's Mirror and Giant's Cap
  • Galvantula - Lake of Outrage, Route 7, Old Cemetery, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Shelmet - Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 7 and Soothing Wetlands
  • Durant - Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage, Route 6, Old Cemetery and Three-Point Pass
  • Grubbin - Slumbering Weald, Route 1, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell and North Lake Miloch
  • Charjabug - Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills and Axew's Eye
  • Cutiefly - Route 4, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field and Giant's Mirror
  • Ribombee - Stony Wilderness
  • Dewpider - Route 5, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness, Old Cemetery, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Araquanid - Lake of Outrage, Old Cemetery, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Wimpod - Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills and Courageous Cavern
  • Golisopod - Lake of Outrage
  • Blipbug - Slumbering Weald, Route 1, Route 2, Giant's Cap, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Challenge Road, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Dottler - Route 5, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror and Giant's Cap
  • Orbeetle - Slumbering Weald and Lake of Outrage
  • Sizzlipede - Route 3
  • Snom - Lake of Outrage, Route 8, Route 10, Slippery Slope, Snowslide Slope and Path to the Peak
  • Frosmoth - Path to the Peak

36 Ground Pokémon encounters

  • Sandshrew - Warm-Up Tunnel
  • Diglett - Rolling Fields, Galar Mine and Giant's Mirror
  • Dugtrio - Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage and Route 6
  • Onix - East Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Cubone - Warm-Up Tunnel
  • Rhyhorn - Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Route 8 and Potbottom Desert
  • Rhydon - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Route 10
  • Wooper - West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Giant's Cap, Soothing Wetlands, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Quagsire - Giant's Seat, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Swinub - Rolling Fields, Giant's Seat, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Slippery Slope, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Piloswine - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Slippery Slope and Roaring-Sea Caves
  • Nincada - West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch and Route 5
  • Trapinch - Route 6
  • Flygon - Lake of Outrage
  • Barboach - Slumbering Weald, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Motostoke, Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Stadium, Stony Wilderness, Soothing Wetlands, Brawlers' Cave, Roaring-Sea Caves and Ballimere Lake
  • Whiscash - Slumbering Weald and Soothing Wetlands
  • Baltoy - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills and Axew's Eye
  • Claydol - Lake of Outrage, Axew's Eye and Three-Point Pass
  • Gastrodon - Route 9
  • Hippopotas - Dusty Bowl and Route 6
  • Hippowdon - Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage and Route 8
  • Drilbur - Galar Mine, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap and Hammerlocke Hills
  • Excadrill - Giant's Mirror and Lake of Outrage
  • Palpitoad - Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Seismitoad - Lake of Outrage, Route 7 and Axew's Eye
  • Sandile - Potbottom Desert
  • Yamask - Route 6
  • Stunfisk - Slumbering Weald, Galar Mine No.2, Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Golett - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Route 8, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Golurk - Lake of Outrage and Three-Point Pass
  • Diggersby - Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Mudbray - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Route 3, Giant's Cap, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Mudsdale - Giant's Seat, Dusty Bowl, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Sandygast - Loop Lagoon
  • Silicobra - Route 6, Forest of Focus, Challenge Road, Training Lowlands and Potbottom Desert
  • Sandaconda - Lake of Outrage and Route 8

37 Psychic Pokémon encounters

  • Abra - Fields of Honor
  • Slowpoke - Wedgehurst and Fields of Honor
  • Exeggcute - Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea and Insular Sea
  • Mime Jr. - undefined
  • Mr. Mime - undefined
  • Smoochum - Slippery Slope and Frostpoint Field
  • Jynx - Slippery Slope and Frostpoint Field
  • Natu - Rolling Fields, West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Xatu - Giant's Seat, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Wobbuffet - Route 5, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills and Lake of Outrage
  • Ralts - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch and Fields of Honor
  • Gardevoir - Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Solrock - Giant's Cap and Route 8
  • Baltoy - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills and Axew's Eye
  • Claydol - Lake of Outrage, Axew's Eye and Three-Point Pass
  • Beldum - Snowslide Slope
  • Bronzor - South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Bridge Field, Giant's Bed, Giant's Foot and Three-Point Pass
  • Bronzong - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Route 8, Axew's Eye and Three-Point Pass
  • Munna - Slumbering Weald, Rolling Fields, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Woobat - Watchtower Ruins, Galar Mine, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Brawlers' Cave and Courageous Cavern
  • Sigilyph - Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness and Lake of Outrage
  • Gothita - Giant's Cap, Slippery Slope and Frostpoint Field
  • Gothorita - Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Slippery Slope and Frostpoint Field
  • Gothitelle - Lake of Outrage
  • Elgyem - Motostoke Riverbank and Bridge Field
  • Beheeyem - Lake of Outrage
  • Espurr - Route 5, Motostoke Riverbank and Hammerlocke Hills
  • Meowstic - Dusty Bowl and Route 7
  • Inkay - Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 7, Route 9, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon and Training Lowlands
  • Cosmog - Freezington
  • Dottler - Route 5, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror and Giant's Cap
  • Orbeetle - Slumbering Weald and Lake of Outrage
  • Hatenna - Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness, Hammerlocke Hills, Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Old Cemetery, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Hattrem - Dusty Bowl, Glimwood Tangle, Frostpoint Field, Old Cemetery, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Hatterene - Lake of Outrage
  • Indeedee - Lake of Outrage, Glimwood Tangle and Ballimere Lake
  • Calyrex - Crown Shrine

38 Flying Pokémon encounters

  • Butterfree - Slumbering Weald, Rolling Fields, East Lake Axewell and Giant's Mirror
  • Zubat - Tunnel to the Top, Roaring-Sea Caves and Lakeside Cave
  • Scyther - Training Lowlands
  • Gyarados - Route 2, Giant's Seat, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage, Axew's Eye, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea, Honeycalm Island, Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope, Giant's Foot and Frigrid Sea
  • Hoothoot - Slumbering Weald, Route 1, Route 2, Dappled Grove and Giant's Cap
  • Noctowl - Motostoke Outskirts, Motostoke Riverbank and Giant's Cap
  • Togetic - Stony Wilderness
  • Togekiss - Dusty Bowl
  • Natu - Rolling Fields, West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Xatu - Giant's Seat, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Delibird - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Route 8, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope and Giant's Foot
  • Mantyke - Motostoke Riverbank, Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Fields of Honor, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Mantine - Lake of Outrage and Route 9
  • Skarmory - Challenge Road
  • Wingull - Rolling Fields, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Pelipper - Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Axew's Eye, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Ninjask - Stony Wilderness
  • Swablu - Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Path to the Peak, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Combee - Rolling Fields and Honeycalm Island
  • Drifloon - Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Route 5, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Drifblim - Axew's Eye
  • Pidove - Rolling Fields, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell and North Lake Miloch
  • Tranquill - Giant's Seat, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Unfezant - Hammerlocke Hills and Axew's Eye
  • Woobat - Watchtower Ruins, Galar Mine, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Brawlers' Cave and Courageous Cavern
  • Sigilyph - Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness and Lake of Outrage
  • Emolga - Forest of Focus
  • Rufflet - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Route 8 and Potbottom Desert
  • Braviary - Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Fletchling - Challenge Road, Loop Lagoon and Potbottom Desert
  • Fletchinder - Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Hawlucha - Hammerlocke Hills and Route 6
  • Noibat - Watchtower Ruins, Galar Mine No.2 and Bridge Field
  • Noivern - Lake of Outrage, Ballimere Lake and Lakeside Cave
  • Rookidee - Slumbering Weald, Route 1, Route 2, Route 3 and Motostoke Riverbank
  • Corvisquire - Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills and Ballimere Lake
  • Corviknight - Slumbering Weald, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Route 7
  • Cramorant - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach and Training Lowlands

41 Normal Pokémon encounters

  • Jigglypuff - Fields of Honor and Challenge Beach
  • Lickitung - Soothing Wetlands and Brawlers' Cave
  • Happiny - Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Challenge Road, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Chansey - Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Brawlers' Cave, Challenge Road, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Warm-Up Tunnel, Potbottom Desert, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Blissey - Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Brawlers' Cave, Challenge Road, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Warm-Up Tunnel, Potbottom Desert, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Kangaskhan - Warm-Up Tunnel
  • Tauros - Training Lowlands
  • Ditto - Lake of Outrage and Workout Sea
  • Eevee - Route 4 and Ballimere Lake
  • Munchlax - Motostoke Riverbank and Ballimere Lake
  • Hoothoot - Slumbering Weald, Route 1, Route 2, Dappled Grove and Giant's Cap
  • Noctowl - Motostoke Outskirts, Motostoke Riverbank and Giant's Cap
  • Azurill - Brawlers' Cave
  • Dunsparce - Soothing Wetlands
  • Miltank - Training Lowlands
  • Zigzagoon - Route 2, Route 3, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness and Giant's Cap
  • Linoone - Giant's Cap and Ballimere Lake
  • Whismur - Brawlers' Cave
  • Swablu - Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Path to the Peak, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Buneary - Fields of Honor and Challenge Beach
  • Lillipup - Training Lowlands
  • Pidove - Rolling Fields, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell and North Lake Miloch
  • Tranquill - Giant's Seat, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Unfezant - Hammerlocke Hills and Axew's Eye
  • Audino - Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope, Tunnel to the Top, Path to the Peak, Roaring-Sea Caves, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass, Ballimere Lake and Lakeside Cave
  • Minccino - Rolling Fields, East Lake Axewell, Route 5 and Giant's Cap
  • Bouffalant - Soothing Wetlands
  • Rufflet - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Route 8 and Potbottom Desert
  • Braviary - Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage
  • Bunnelby - Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch and Giant's Cap
  • Diggersby - Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Fletchling - Challenge Road, Loop Lagoon and Potbottom Desert
  • Helioptile - Giant's Mirror and Route 6
  • Stufful - Dappled Grove, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Route 5, Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Bewear - Giant's Seat, Lake of Outrage, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Skwovet - Slumbering Weald, Route 1, Route 2, Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, North Lake Miloch, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Motostoke Riverbank, Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field and Ballimere Lake
  • Greedent - Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Route 6, Route 7, Route 9, Axew's Eye, Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Giant's Bed, Giant's Foot and Ballimere Lake
  • Wooloo - Route 1, Route 4, Motostoke Riverbank, Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Snowslide Slope and Three-Point Pass
  • Dubwool - Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills, Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Snowslide Slope and Three-Point Pass
  • Obstagoon - Lake of Outrage
  • Indeedee - Lake of Outrage, Glimwood Tangle and Ballimere Lake

64 Water Pokémon encounters

  • Psyduck - Challenge Beach and Brawlers' Cave
  • Poliwag - Brawlers' Cave
  • Tentacool - Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Tentacruel - Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Shellder - West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Cloyster - Giant's Seat, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Krabby - West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Cap, Fields of Honor and Loop Lagoon
  • Kingler - Route 9 and Axew's Eye
  • Horsea - Insular Sea
  • Goldeen - West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Route 4, Route 5, Bridge Field, Giant's Cap, Route 6 and Forest of Focus
  • Staryu - Challenge Beach and Training Lowlands
  • Magikarp - Slumbering Weald, Route 2, West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Motostoke, Route 4, Route 5, Motostoke Stadium, Bridge Field, Route 6, Axew's Eye, Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea, Honeycalm Island, Snowslide Slope, Roaring-Sea Caves, Frigrid Sea and Ballimere Lake
  • Gyarados - Route 2, Giant's Seat, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage, Axew's Eye, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea, Honeycalm Island, Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope, Giant's Foot and Frigrid Sea
  • Lapras - Route 9 and Frigrid Sea
  • Omanyte - Roaring-Sea Caves
  • Chinchou - West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, Hulbury, Giant's Mirror, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Lanturn - Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Wooper - West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Giant's Cap, Soothing Wetlands, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Quagsire - Giant's Seat, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Qwilfish - Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Route 9
  • Remoraid - West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Route 9, Fields of Honor and Workout Sea
  • Octillery - Route 9, Axew's Eye, Fields of Honor and Workout Sea
  • Mantyke - Motostoke Riverbank, Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Fields of Honor, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Mantine - Lake of Outrage and Route 9
  • Wingull - Rolling Fields, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Pelipper - Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Axew's Eye, Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach, Loop Lagoon, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Carvanha - Training Lowlands
  • Sharpedo - Training Lowlands and Honeycalm Sea
  • Wailmer - Route 9, Honeycalm Sea, Honeycalm Island and Frigrid Sea
  • Wailord - Route 9
  • Barboach - Slumbering Weald, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Motostoke, Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Stadium, Stony Wilderness, Soothing Wetlands, Brawlers' Cave, Roaring-Sea Caves and Ballimere Lake
  • Whiscash - Slumbering Weald and Soothing Wetlands
  • Corphish - South Lake Miloch, Galar Mine No.2, Giant's Cap, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach and Training Lowlands
  • Crawdaunt - Giant's Seat, Axew's Eye, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Feebas - Route 2 and Roaring-Sea Caves
  • Spheal - Frigrid Sea
  • Relicanth - Ballimere Lake
  • Shellos - Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror and Giant's Cap
  • Gastrodon - Route 9
  • Tympole - Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch and North Lake Miloch
  • Palpitoad - Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Seismitoad - Lake of Outrage, Route 7 and Axew's Eye
  • Basculin - undefined
  • Tirtouga - Frigrid Sea
  • Frillish - West Lake Axewell, East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch, Bridge Field and Stepping-Stone Sea
  • Jellicent - Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Binacle - Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Riverbank and Bridge Field
  • Barbaracle - Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage and Route 9
  • Clauncher - Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Clawitzer - Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea and Honeycalm Island
  • Wishiwashi - undefined
  • Mareanie - Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror, Route 9 and Loop Lagoon
  • Toxapex - Route 9
  • Dewpider - Route 5, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness, Old Cemetery, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Araquanid - Lake of Outrage, Old Cemetery, Frigrid Sea, Three-Point Pass and Ballimere Lake
  • Wimpod - Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills and Courageous Cavern
  • Golisopod - Lake of Outrage
  • Pyukumuku - South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Route 9, Giant's Bed and Giant's Foot
  • Sobble - Starter
  • Chewtle - Route 2, Motostoke, Route 4, Route 5, Hulbury, Galar Mine No.2, Motostoke Outskirts, Motostoke Stadium, Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap, Soothing Wetlands and Courageous Cavern
  • Drednaw - Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage and Route 6
  • Cramorant - Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Lake of Outrage, Route 9, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach and Training Lowlands
  • Arrokuda - Route 2, Hulbury, Motostoke Riverbank, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach and Training Lowlands
  • Barraskewda - Route 2, Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl and Lake of Outrage

16Fire Pokémon


20Dragon Pokémon


21Fighting Pokémon


23Electric Pokémon


25Ghost Pokémon


26Poison Pokémon


26Fairy Pokémon


28Steel Pokémon


28Ice Pokémon


28Rock Pokémon


29Dark Pokémon


31Grass Pokémon


33Bug Pokémon


36Ground Pokémon


37Psychic Pokémon


38Flying Pokémon


41Normal Pokémon


64Water Pokémon


Sword Boss Battles

In order to complete a Sword Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 36 Boss battles throughout the Galar region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.

These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Hop's Wooloo to Raihan's Duraludon.

8 Gym Leader fights

7 Elite Four fights

19 Rival fights

2 Evil Team fights

Select your starter type

Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Hop might have a fire type to take advantage!

Gym Leader fights

  • - Turfield Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Hulbury Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Motostoke Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Stow-on-Side Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Ballonlea Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Circhester Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Spikemouth Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Hammerlock Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Elite Four fights

  • - Wyndon Semi Finals

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Wyndon Semi Finals

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Wyndon Championship Match

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Wyndon Championship Match

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Wyndon Championship Match

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Wyndon Championship Match

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Wyndon Championship Final

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Rival fights

  • - Hop's House

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Route 2

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Motostoke

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Galar Mine Exit

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Route 5

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Galar Mine No.2 Exit

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Budew Drop Inn

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Route 6

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Stow-on-Side Monument

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Route 7

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Route 8

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Outer Spikemouth

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Fields of Honor

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Master Dojo

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Warm-Up Tunnel

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Battle Court

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Battle Court

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Slippery Slope Ambush

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Max Lair

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Evil Team fights

  • - Rose Tower

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Energy Plant

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Sword Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?

Nuzlocke Tracker | Pokémon Sword Nuzlocke Guide (2025)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.