Hickory Daily Record Obituary (2025)

1. Hickory Daily Record Obituaries - Facebook

  • Find all of the latest Hickory, North Carolina obituaries, condolences, and death notices from the Hickory Daily Record and hickoryrecord.com in partnership ...

  • ראה/ראי פוסטים, תמונות ועוד בפייסבוק.

2. Hickory News | Hickory, North Carolina | Read Hickory, NC and ...

3. Obituaries published in the Hickory Daily Record, 1915 - 1989

  • Obituaries published in the Hickory Daily Record, 1915 - 1989 · Index of Obituaries Published in The Hickory Daily Record, 1915-1919 · Index of Obituaries ...

  • Hickory is for doers and makers seeking a well-rounded community, located between Charlotte and Asheville at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, along I-40, where a collective spirit of craftsmanship strengthens any endeavor with detail, artistry, and quality.  Hickory is the perfect place to work, live, and raise a family.  For more information about our well-rounded community, visit: www.myHKY.com. 

4. Local News - Hickory Daily Record

5. Hickory Daily Record Obituaries in Hickory, North Carolina

  • Looking for Hickory Daily Record obituaries in Hickory, North Carolina? ✓ Search local obituaries online & browse for your ancestors in our archives!

6. Hickory Daily Record Obituaries (2011 – 2024) - Obits Archive

  • 2011 – 2024 | Hickory Daily Record obituary and death notices in Hickory, North Carolina. Search obits for your ancestors, relatives, friends.

7. The Hickory Daily Record Memorials and Obituaries - We Remember

  • Charles Marrion Funderburke, 56, passed away peacefully at home on Friday June 23, 2023, surrounded by his family after a long 4 month battle on hospice care.

  • Search & Browse Memorials and Obituaries from The Hickory Daily Record on We Remember.

8. Hickory Daily Record Archive - Newspapers.com™

  • Explore Hickory Daily Record online newspaper archive. Hickory Daily Record was published in Hickory, North Carolina and includes 998653 searchable pages ...

  • Explore Hickory Daily Record online newspaper archive. Hickory Daily Record was published in Hickory, North Carolina and includes 998,697 searchable pages from 1915-2024.

Hickory Daily Record Obituary (2025)


How do I submit an obituary to hickory daily record? ›

We accept obituaries and photos from funeral homes. Obituaries can be emailed to obits@hickoryrecord.com or faxed to 828-324-8179. For information about obituaries and our policies, call 1-888-220-4265.

What are the final words on an obituary? ›

Concluding Message

In the conclusion of the obituary, special requests may be made such as, “in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to…” or “Our heartfelt thanks to the staff at General Hospital for…” Some families make the final line a dedication honoring their loved one.

How many days should you run an obituary? ›

These usually run within a few days or a week of your loved one's passing, and they are brief notices that detail just the essential information about your loved one, including their full name, a maiden name if there is one, where and when they died, the particulars of a funeral and/or memorial service, and where ...

Does Hickory, NC have a newspaper? ›

Newspaper Hickory Daily Record (Hickory, N.C.)

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the local newspaper? ›

An average obituary can easily be $200.00-500.00. Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

What is the best paper to make obituaries? ›

We recommend using a 32 lb. paper which is the thickest you can choose before going card stock. We don't recommend using a thick card stock because when you go to fold it, the folding edge tends to crack. A 32 lb.

What should you not say in an obituary? ›

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Writing an Obituary
  • Avoid Making the Obituary About You. ...
  • Don't Focus Just on Death. ...
  • Listing People Who Were Appreciated. ...
  • Avoid Clichés. ...
  • Abbreviations. ...
  • Don't Over Describe the Funeral.

What is the best opening line for an obituary? ›

It is with great sadness that the family of (deceased name) announce (his/her) passing….” “(Deceased name) will be sadly missed by ….” “Fondly remembered by….” “Forever remembered by….”

What do you leave out of an obituary? ›

When writing an obituary, leave out details that could be used for identity theft, such as the deceased's date and place of birth, middle name, maiden name and mother's maiden name. And don't include the deceased's home address.

Is it disrespectful not to have an obituary? ›

Posting an obituary is not a legal requirement and is a sentimental action. Families don't have to publish one if they don't want it or do not have the funds to do so. While you do not have to share a death note or obituary, you must file a death certificate with your state's office.

What does a good obituary look like? ›

Announce the death and include their full name, age, hometown, and date of death. Include a brief summary of their life. Mention family members who have already passed away, as well as surviving family members. Share funeral or memorial service details, including whether they are public or private events.

Why would a family not do an obituary? ›

Why might someone not have an obituary. There are several reasons why a person might not have an obituary: Obituaries are not required by law , so the deceased's family might have chosen to forego publishing one. Publishing an obituary can be expensive , and the funds may be unavailable.

Who owns the Hickory Daily Record? ›

Hickory Daily Record is an American, English language daily newspaper based in Hickory, North Carolina, US. It is owned by Lee Enterprises.

What is the largest newspaper in North Carolina? ›

The News & Observer is an American regional daily newspaper that serves the greater Triangle area based in Raleigh, North Carolina. The paper is the largest in circulation in the state (second is the Charlotte Observer).

What is the oldest North Carolina newspaper? ›

The North-Carolina Gazette, established by printer James Davis in New Bern, was North Carolina's first newspaper. Judging from the earliest extant copy-volume 1, number 15-the first issue was published on 9 Aug. 1751.

How do you write an obituary for a local newspaper? ›

What to include in an obituary:
  1. Announce the death. ...
  2. Recount details about their life. ...
  3. Include surviving family members. ...
  4. Add a special message or poem. ...
  5. Choose an appropriate obituary photo. ...
  6. Include details about the funeral or memorial.

How do you place an obituary in a local paper? ›

Local newspapers with limited circulation and organizational newsletters assembled by a small staff may not have a protocol for submitting obituaries. If there is no dedicated obituary department, contact the editor directly and he or she will help you submit the obituary.

How do I make an obituary online? ›

How to Make an Obituary Online With an Obituary Generator
  1. Select an Obituary Generator Tool.
  2. Log In To Gather.
  3. Navigate to The Loved One's Organize Page.
  4. Select The 'Complete Obituary' Task.
  5. Verify The Loved One's Important Information.
  6. Add Additional Details About Their Life.
  7. Save, Copy, and Print The Completed Obituary.
Sep 21, 2023

How do you make a real obituary? ›

Making Funeral Obituary
  1. Gather information. Collect essential details about the person, including their full name, age, date of birth, and date of passing. ...
  2. Write a compelling introduction. ...
  3. Provide biographical information. ...
  4. Mention surviving family members. ...
  5. Conclude with a meaningful tribute. ...
  6. Review and revise.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Views: 6123

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.